
NSERC-UQAT Industrial Research Chair on northern biodiversity in a mining

Research projects

Research projects

Understanding mine footprints over the mine life cycle: strategies to minimize impacts on biodiversity in the short-term

  • Determining the footprint of mines on plant diversity: integrating enigmatic impacts and the mine life cycle, PhD Project, Xiangbo Yin. Learn +
  • Spatial footprint of particulate pollutants around active and restored mines: bryophyte growth and bioaccumulation, post-doctoral project, Mélanie Jean. Learn +
  • Using bryophytes to restore mine tailings impoundments: humid sites, MSc Project, Dave Tremblay. Learn +
  • Regional importance of tailings for waterfowl compared to beaver ponds in Abitibi-Temiscamingue. MSc Project, Émilie Desjardins. Learn +
  • Below-ground facilitation between tree species in the re-vegetalization of a post-mining site, MSc Project, Supun Madhumadhawa Pawuluwage. Learn +
  • Regional importance of mining sites for plant biodiversity, PhD Project, Nils Ambec. Learn +

Avoiding risk for biodiversity: developing tools for ecological planning

  • Analysis and modeling of the dynamics of bryophyte and tracheophyte communities in peatland of northwestern Quebec, PhD Project, Marc-Frédéric Indorf. Learn +
  • Lichen communities of peatlands in Eeyou Istchee James Bay: Biodiversity and environmental factors, MSc Project, Tana Route. Learn +
  • Diversity of vertebrate communities in small wetland habitats in northern Quebec, PhD Project, Mariano Feldman. Learn +
  • Indigenous’ use and importance of wetlands and assessment of moose stress near mines in Eeyou Istchee, MSc Project, Eliane Grant. Learn +
  • Bryophyte diversity and rare species estimation in boreal forests using remote sensing, PhD Project, Carlos Cerrejon. Learn +

Reduce the impacts of cumulative disturbances on ecosystem service provision by developing avoidance and mitigation strategies

This objective will be achieved through a doctoral project (PhD) planned for years 3 to 5 (2019-2022) of the Research Chair. This project seeks to understand the effect of cumulative disturbances, including climate change, on two key species for Aboriginal communities. It is based on several elements that are described by other previous projects. This project was discussed with several community representatives who showed a keen interest.

  • Cultural key species vulnerability to cumulative impacts of environmental changes, PhD Project, Maxime Thomas. Learn +


Nicole Fenton, professor titular of the NSERC-UQAT Industrial Research Chair on northern biodiversity in a mining context
Forest Research Institute (FR)
Telephone: 819 762-0971 poste 2312