Researchers |
Areas of expertise |
Researchs Projets |
Nicole FENTON, Ph. D.
- Biodiversity of plants
- Bryophytes
- Dynamics of the feather moss – black spruce forest
- Wetlands
- Determining the footprint of mines on plant diversity: integrating enigmatic impacts and the mine life cycle
- Spatial footprint of particulate pollutants around active and restored mines: bryophyte growth and bioaccumulation
- Using bryophytes to restore mine tailings impoundments: humid sites
- Regional importance of tailings for waterfowl compared to beaver ponds in Abitibi-Temiscamingue
- Analysis and modeling of the dynamics of bryophyte and tracheophyte communities in wetlands of northwestern Quebec
- Lichens and peat lichen communities in Eeyou Istchee James Bay: Biodiversity and environmental determinants
- Diversity of vertebrate communities in small wetland habitat in northern Quebec
- Aboriginals use and importance of wetlands and assessment of moose stress near mines in Eeyou Istchee
- Bryophyte diversity and rare species estimation in boreal forests using remote sensing
- Below-ground facilitation between tree species in the re-vegetalization of a post-mining site
Hugo ASSELIN, Ph. D.
- Indigenous forestry
- Land governance
- Traditional knowledge
- Écologie forestière
- Forest Ecology
- Aboriginals use and importance of wetlands and assessment of moose stress near mines in Eeyou Istchee
- Forest ecology
- Forest management
- Fire ecology
- Climate change
- Dendrochronology
- Paleoecology
- Biodiversity
- Analysis and modeling of the dynamics of bryophyte and tracheophyte communities in wetlands of northwestern Quebec
Isabelle DEMERS,Ph. D.
- Mine waste management
- Mine site reclamation
- Sustainable mining development
- Gas movement in mine waste
- Environmental modeling
- Environmental desulfurisation
- Determining the footprint of mines on plant diversity: integrating enigmatic impacts and the mine life cycle
- Revegetation and reclamation of mine sites
- Functioning of the soil-plant system
- Afforestation of disturbed sites
- Reuse of organic residues
- Using bryophytes to restore mine tailings impoundments: humid sites
Louis IMBEAU, Ph. D.
- Biodiversity
- Wildlife management
- Wetlands ecology and conservation
- Sustainable forest management
- Impacts of logging and fires on wildlife
- Ornithology
- Biology
- Ecology
- Environment
- Forestry
- Mammalogy
- Regional importance of tailings for waterfowl compared to beaver ponds in Abitibi-Temiscamingue
- Lichens and peat lichen communities in Eeyou Istchee James Bay: Biodiversity and environmental determinants
- Diversity of vertebrate communities in small wetland habitat in northern Quebec
- Aboriginals use and importance of wetlands and assessment of moose stress near mines in Eeyou Istchee
Philippe MARCHAND, Ph. D.
- Spatial structure of plant communities
- Models of forest pest epidemics
- Ecoinformatics
- Below-ground facilitation between tree species in the re-vegetalization of a post-mining site
Benoit PLANTE, Ph. D.
- Environmental geochemistry in a mining context
- Prediction of the geochemical behavior and water quality of mine wastes
- Contaminated mine drainage
- Spatial footprint of particulate pollutants around active and restored mines: bryophyte growth and bioaccumulation
Éric ROSA, Ph. D.
- Hydrogeological mapping
- Environmental hydrogeochemistry
- Isotopic geochemistry
- Wetlands
- Analysis and modeling of the dynamics of bryophyte and tracheophyte communities in wetlands of northwestern Quebec
Osvaldo VALERIA, Ph. D.
- Sustainable forest management
- Geographic information system
- Remote sensing
- Forest operations
- Forest management decision tool
- Bryophyte diversity and rare species estimation in boreal forests using remote sensing