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Indigenous cultural relevance of post-secondary training programs

Best practices for Indigenous cultural safety in post-secondary education programs that lead to jobs in the mining sector.

This analysis and decision-support tool enables measurement of the Indigenous cultural relevance of post-secondary training programs in the mining sector, and the identification of priority actions that lead to achievement of cultural safety. Ultimately, the tool is designed to improve the Indigenous students experience, and is intended for instructors and administrators of educational institutions.

The tool was developed as part of a research project at the Université du Québec en Abitibi-Témiscamingue School of Indigenous Studies, and funded by the CÉGEPAT-UQAT Pôle en enseignement supérieur dans le secteur minier.

Sécurisation culturelle autochtone des programmes de formation postsecondaire

About the Pôle en enseignement supérieur dans le secteur minier

The Pôle en enseignement supérieur dans le secteur minier enables UQAT and CAT to combine their expertise to offer flexible, leading-edge training in the mining sector. It is specifically intended to make training courses more accessible and flexible for a variety of students, while modernizing course content to keep pace with transformations in industry and society, as well as developments linked to Industry 4.0 and the energy transition.

About the School of Indigenous Studies

Unique in Quebec for its multidisciplinary and intercultural approach, UQAT's School of Indigenous Studies has established itself as a hub for training and research in Indigenous Studies. It offers a variety of programs at the undergraduate, graduate, and postgraduate levels, notably in employability, governance and land management.

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