

The Université du Québec en Abitibi-Témiscamingue shows its creative side to plan a festive and exciting start to the fall term. For new UQAT students, the start of the 2024 fall term is all about discovery. For returning students, coming back to school will feel like a reunion!

Student Kit | Welcome 2024-2025 is now available on Symbiose. It contains a lot of useful information, including the Checklist of essentials for the perfect start to the academic year, as well as different tools and strategies to help you with your life as a student.

For more information, contact Student Services at:

Back-to-school workshops


Personalized welcomes

The First Peoples Services team will be available to guide you as you come back to school, in particular, helping you pick up your Student Handbook, visit the campus, and learn about the resources that will help you throughout your student career. During the welcome week, a number of in-person events will be set up for students. It'll be great to reconnect with members of the university community!

More details about some of the events will be confirmed in August.

For more information, contact Student Services at: