Press Release

Ten experts in the mining environment unite for the publication of a first collective work on mine restoration

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Rouyn-Noranda, November 16, 2020 – The development of the mining industry implies an increase in the volume of solid wastes produced which will need to be effectively reclaimed at the end of mine life. It is in this context that ten experts from the Université du Québec en Abitibi-Témiscamingue (UQAT) and the Polytechnique Montréal, have combined their efforts to write a book summarizing current knowledge on the reclamation of mine sites, a first in this field. Entitled “Hard Rock Mine Reclamation - From Prediction to Management of Acid Mine Drainage”, this book is intended for graduate students, professionals as well as geo-environmental engineers in the mining industry and engineering consulting firms working in the field.

Born from an initiative of Bruno Bussière, holder of the CRSNG-UQAT industrial chair on mine sites reclamation and scientific director of the Research Institute of Mines and the Environment (RIME) UQAT – Polytechnique, and of Marie Guittonny, professor on revegetation of mine sites at UQAT, this book refers to the problem of reclaiming acid generating mine sites. The authors identify remaining challenges and document proven and innovative approaches to address them.

An interdisciplinary and integrated approach
With complementary expertise recognized at the international level, the authors adopt an interdisciplinary and integrated approach, an essential step to tackle such a complex problem. The 14 chapters of this book shed light on different approaches and solutions related to real problems experienced by the mining industry. The first part of the book place the theoretical framework followed by a presentation of the main methods to reclaim mine sites. Other aspects such as improving restoration performance through passive treatment of mining effluents, revegetation, methods of integrated management of mine wastes that facilitate reclamation, and the factors that may influence the long-term performance of reclamation works are then discussed. Finally, tools to improve and validate the design of reclamation works are presented.

Book presentation: webinar held on Wednesday, December 2nd
To present the different themes addressed in this high-level specialized book, an online French presentation will be held with the authors on Wednesday, December 2, from 11 :30 a.m. to 12 :30 p.m. Those interested in attending can register now by clicking here. The official release of the book, available in English only, is scheduled for December 3rd, but is already available for presale.

UQAT’s expertise in mining and the environment
Thanks to a unique approach based on collaboration with industry and government representatives, a team of seasoned researchers and state-of-the-art facilities, UQAT has an international reputation in research and teaching in the field of mining and the environment. The research carried out mainly targets the development of environmental solutions linked to the entire life cycles of a mine. The six research chairs related to the mine sector at UQAT, the numerous partnerships with international mine companies as well as fruitful collaborations with other universities around the world allow UQAT to develop innovative solutions that meet the real needs experienced by players in the mine sector, governments and of the society. In addition to the research carried out, UQAT participates in the training of highly qualified personnel and the transfer of new knowledge in order to act proactively in the development of the mining industry while respecting the society of tomorrow.  

Last update : 31 mai 2018