Marie Guittonny

Professeure titulaire
Directrice scientifique du partenariat de recherche sur la restauration des sites miniers abandonnés UQAT-MRNF
Institut de recherche en mines et en environnement (IRME)

Campus de Rouyn-Noranda
Téléphone : 819 762-0971 poste 2563, local F-119
Télécopieur : 819 797-4727

Google Scholar
Les visages de la recherche


  • Fonctionnement du système sol-plante
  • Reboisement de sites dégradés
  • Bilan hydrique de surfaces végétalisées
  • Végétalisation et performance des systèmes des recouvrement


Ph. D. en Biosciences de l’environnement (Université Aix-Marseille, 2004)
Maîtrise en Biosciences de l’environnement, chimie et santé (D.E.A. français) (Université Aix-Marseille, 2001)
Baccalauréat en biologie générale et sciences de la terre (Licence française) (Université Aix-Marseille, 1999)


Membre régulière, Centre d’étude de la Forêt (CEF), regroupement stratégique du FRQNT
Responsable du thème : Restauration écologique de sites perturbés/anthropisés pour le Réseau Reboisement et Ligniculture Québec (2RLQ), réseau innovation du FRQNT
Collaboratrice à l'Unité de recherche et de service en technologie minérale (URSTM)


Bourse doctorale de l’Agence de l’environnement et de la maîtrise de l’énergie (ADEME) et de la région Provence-Alpes Côte d’Azur (PACA)

Bourse postdoctorale en R&D industrielle, Conseil de Recherches en Sciences Naturelles et en Génie (CRSNG) (2010-2012)


Titre du projet : Impact des sites miniers végétalisés avec des plantes à fleurs sur les communautés d'insectes pollinisateurs en contexte forestier boréal.
Chercheurs : Marie Guittonny (UQAT), Julia Mlynarek (Espace pour la vie - Insectarium de Montréal)
Organisme subventionnaire : CRSNG, programme Alliance
Période de réalisation : 2021-2025.

Titre du projet : Récupération des métaux stratégiques (Co, Ni) et stabilisation
des contaminants présents dans des rejets miniers frais et âgés.
Chercheurs : Lucie Coudert (UQAT), Marie-Odile Simonnot (ULorraine), Marie Guittonny (UQAT), Baptiste Laubie (ULorraine), Jean-Louis Morel (ULorraine et UQAT)
Organisme subventionnaire : CRSNG, programme Alliance
Période de réalisation : 2021-2025.

Titre du projet : NSERC-UQAT industrial chair on mine site reclamation.
Chercheurs : Bruno Bussière (UQAT), Benoit Plante (UQAT), Mamert Mbonimpa (UQAT), Marie Guittonny (UQAT), Thomas Pabst (Polytechnique), Jean Côté (ULaval).
Organisme subventionnaire : CRSNG, programme de Chaires industrielles.
Période de réalisation : 2019-2025.

Titre du projet : Integrating the effects of roots on the geoenvironmental behaviour of cover systems used to reclaim mine waste storage facilities.
Chercheurs : Marie Guittonny (UQAT).
Organisme subventionnaire : CRSNG, subvention à la découverte
Période de réalisation : 2020-2025.

Titre du projet : Revegetation layer influence on the water balance of mine reclamation covers.
Chercheurs : Marie Guittonny (UQAT), Bruno Bussière (UQAT), Isabelle Demers (UQAT).
Organisme subventionnaire : CRSNG, programme de Recherche et Développement Coopératif
Période de réalisation : 2019-2024.


Livres et chapitres de livres

B Bussière, M Guittonny. (2020). Hard Rock Mine Reclamation: From Prediction to Management of Acid Mine Drainage : 408.

B Bussière, M Guittonny. (2020). Long-Term Evolution of Reclamation Performance. B Bussière, M Guittonny. Hard Rock Mine Reclamation: From Prediction to Management of Acid Mine Drainage : 351-378.

B Bussière, T Pabst, V Boulanger-Martel, M Guittonny, B Plante, CM Neculita, S Awoh, M Mbonimpa, I Demers, A Maqsoud, A Dimech, PL Labonté-Raymond. (2020). Monitoring the Performance of Mine Site Reclamation. B Bussière, M Guittonny. Hard Rock Mine Reclamation: From Prediction to Management of Acid Mine Drainage : 225-269.

M Guittonny. (2020). Revegetation of Mine Sites. B Bussière, M Guittonny. Hard Rock Mine Reclamation: From Prediction to Management of Acid Mine Drainage. : 297-319.

Articles dans des journaux avec comité de lecture

H Arabyarmohammadi*, M Guittonny, I Demers. (2023). Influence of vegetation and additional surface layers on the water balance of a reclamation cover with elevated water table. Environmental Earth Sciences. 82: 257.

MK Cissé*, A Keeling, M Guittonny, B Bussière. (2023). Integration of Cree traditional ecological knowledge (TEK) into the revegetation process of the Eleonore mine tailings storage facility. The extractive industries and society. 14:101263.

R Saint-Aimé*, M Guittonny, CM Neculita. (2023). Valorization potential of N-rich zeolite and Moving Bed Biofilm Reactor (MBBR) biomass in the revegetation of non-acid generating gold mine tailings. Science of the Total Environment. 891:164279.

K. Babi*, M Guittonny, B Bussière, GR LaRocque. (2023). Influence of competition on root architecture and root anchorage of young hybrid poplar plantations on waste rock slopes. Écoscience. 30(2): 97-112.

A Proteau*, M Guittonny, B Bussière. (2023). Impact of roots on the hydrogeological properties of silty soil covers. Canadian Geotechnical Journal. D Barrette*, P Marchand, HL Nguena Nguefack, M Guittonny. (2022). The Effects of Agronomic Herbaceous Plants on the Soil Structure of Gold Mine Tailings and the Establishment of Boreal ForestTree Seedlings. Water Air & Soil Pollution. 233(16).

K Babi*, M Guittonny, B Bussière, GR LaRocque. (2022). Effect of soil quality and planting material on the root architecture and the root anchorage of young hybrid poplar plantations on waste rock slopes. International Journal of Mining, Reclamation and Environment. 37(1).

A Proteau*, M Guittonny, B Bussière, A Maqsoud. (2021). Impact of roots on hydrogeological parameters supporting the performance of a cover with capillary barrier effects. Journal of geotechnical and geoenvironmental engineering 147(8).

T Rakotonimaro*, M Guittonny, CM Neculita. (2021). Compaction of peat cover over desulfurized gold mine tailings changes arsenic speciation and mobility. Applied Geochemistry v.128 pp. 104923.

A Proteau*, M Guittonny, B Bussière, A Maqsoud. (2020). Oxygen migration through a cover with capillary barrier effects colonized by roots. Canadian Geotechnical Journal. (57): 1903–1914.

L Coudert, R Bondu, TV Rakotonimaro*, E Rosa, M Guittonny, CM Neculita. (2020). Treatment of As-rich mine effluents and produced residues stability: Current knowledge and research priorities for gold mining. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 386: 121920.

M Chomel*, V Baldy, M Guittonny, A DesRochers. (2020). Litter leachates have stronger impact than leaf litter on collembolans fitness. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 147: 107850.

A Proteau*, M Guittonny, B Bussière, A Maqsoud. (2020). Aboveground and belowground colonization of vegetation on a 17-year-old cover with capillary barrier effect built on a boreal mine tailings storage facility. Minerals. 10(8): 704.

K Rheault, D Lachance, MJ Morency, E Thiffault, M Guittonny, N Isabel, C Martineau, A Séguin. (2020). Plant Genotype Influences Physicochemical Properties of Substrate as well as Bacterial and Fungal Assemblages in the Rhizosphere of Balsam Poplar. Frontiers in Microbiology.

T Rakotonimaro*, M Guittonny, CM Neculita, F Trépanier, G Pépin. (2019). Evaluation of arsenic leaching potential in gold mine tailings amended with peat and mine drainage treatment sludge. Journal of Environmental Quality. 48(3): 735-745.

A Remaury, M Guittonny, J Rickson. (2018). The effect of tree planting density on the relative development of weeds and hybrid poplars in revegetated mine slopes vulnerable to erosion. New Forests (sous presse)

K Babi, M Guittonny, G LaRocque, B Bussière. (2019). Effects of spacing and herbaceous seeding on water stress exposure and root development of poplars planted in soil-covered waste rock slopes. Écoscience 26(2) : 149-163

T Rakotonimaro, M Guittonny, C Neculita. (2018). Stabilization of hard rock mines tailings with organic amendments: pore water quality control and revegetation – a review. Desalination and Water Treatment. 112: 53-71

H Bouchard, M Guittonny, S Brais. (2018). Early recruitment of boreal forest trees in hybrid poplar plantations of different densities on mine waste rock slopes. Forest Ecology and Management. 429: 520-533

M Guittonny-Larchevêque, S Lortie. (2017). Above- and belowground development of a fast-growing willow planted in acid-generating mine technosol. Journal of Environmental Quality. 46: 1462–1471

Guittonny-Larchevêque M, Bussière B, Pednault C. 2016. Tree-substrate water relations and root development in tree plantations used for mine tailings reclamation. Journal of Environmental Quality 45: 1036-1045.

Guittonny-Larchevêque M, Pednault C. Substrate comparison for short-term success of a multispecies tree plantation in thickened tailings of a boreal gold mine. New Forests 47(5): 763-781

Chomel M, Guittonny-Larchevêque M, Fernandez C, Gallet C, Desrochers A, Paré D, Jackson B, Baldy V. Plant secondary metabolites: a key driver of litter decomposition and soil nutrient cycling. Journal of Ecology (104): 1527–1541

M. Chomel, M. Guittonny-Larchevêque, A. Desrochers, V. Baldy. 2016. Effect of mixing herbaceous litter with tree litters on decomposition and N release in boreal plantations. Plant and Soil 398: 229-241.

M. Chomel, M. Guittonny-Larchevêque, A. Desrochers, V. Baldy. 2015. Home field advantage of litter decomposition in pure and mixed plantations of hybrid poplar and white spruce under boreal climate. Ecosystems 18: 1014-1028.

M. Larchevêque, A. Desrochers, B. Bussière, D. Cimon. 2014. Planting trees in soils above non-acid generating wastes of a boreal gold mine. Ecoscience 21(3-4).

M. Chomel, A. Desrochers, V. Baldy, M. Larchevêque, T. Gauquelin. 2014. Non-additive effects of mixing hybrid poplar and white spruce on aboveground and soil carbon storage in boreal plantations. Forest Ecology and Management 328: 292-299.

M. Larchevêque, A. Desrochers, B. Bussière, H. Cartier, J.-S. David. 2013. Revegetation of non acid-generating, thickened tailings with boreal trees: a greenhouse study. Journal of Environmental Quality 42 : 351-360.

G.R. Larocque, A. DesRochers, M. Larchevêque, F. Tremblay, J. Beaulieu, A. Mosseler, J. Major, S. Gaussiran, B.R. Thomas, D. Sidders, P. Périnet, J. Kort, M. Labrecque, P. Savoie, S. Masse, O.T. Bouman, D. Kamelchuk, L. Benomar, T. Mamashita, P. Gagné. 2013. Research on hybrid poplars and willow species for fast-growing tree plantations: its importance for growth and yield, silviculture, policy making and commercial applications. The Forestry Chronicle 89(1): 32-41.

M. Larchevêque, A. DesRochers, G.R. LaRocque. 2011. Comparison of manure compost and mineral fertilizer for hybrid poplar plantation establishment on boreal heavy clay soils. Annals of Forest Science 68(4): 849-860.

M. Larchevêque, M. Maurel, A. DesRochers, G.R. LaRocque. 2011. How does drought tolerance compare between two improved hybrids of balsam poplars and an unimproved native species? Tree Physiology 31(3): 240-249.

M. Larchevêque, G.R. LaRocque, A. DesRochers, F. Tremblay, S. Gaussiran, R. Boutin, S. Brais, J. Beaulieu, G. Daoust, P. Périnet. 2010. Juvenile productivity of 5 hybrid poplar clones and 20
genetically improved white and Norway spruces in boreal clay-belt of Quebec, Canada. The Forestry Chronicle, 86(2): 225-233.

M. Larchevêque, C. Ballini, V. Baldy, N. Korboulewsky, E. Ormeno, N. Montès. 2010. Restoration of a Mediterranean post-fire shrubland: plant functional responses to organic amendment. Restoration Ecology 18(5): 729-741.

M. Larchevêque, N. Montès, V. Baldy, C. Ballini. 2008. Can compost improve Quercus pubescens Wild installation in degraded sloping soil in the Mediterranean area? BioresourceTechnology, 99: 3754-3764.

Actes de colloque avec comité de lecture

C Lamarche, M Guittonny, B Bussière, N Chevé. (2020). Direct measurement of transpiration on a monolayer cover built on mine waste rocks. 73nd Canadian Geotechnical Conference - GeoSt.Niagara 2021, Niagara Falls, Canada

YD Botula*, B Bussière, M Guittonny, A Maqsoud. (2019). Saturated-unsaturated numerical modelling of a vertically heterogeneous monolayer cover with an elevated water table: the Manitou site case study. 72nd Canadian Geotechnical Conference - GeoSt.John's 2019, St-John's, Canada

YD Botula*, M Guittonny, B Bussière,E Bresson. (2019). Will climate change affect performance of engineered covers colonized by trees in Québec(Canada)?. 13th international conference on mine closure - Mine Closure 2019, Perth, Australia

A Proteau*, M Guittonny, B Bussière, A Maqsoud. (2019). Methodological approach to study oxygen fluxes in a cover with capillary barrier effect when colonized by plant roots. 18th Joint Global Seminar on Geo-Environmental Engineering - GEE 2019, Montréal, Canada

M Guittonny, B Bussière, N Chevé*, B Mangane, M Duclos. (2019). Effect of vegetation and its supporting layers on the water budget of waste rocks. 18th Joint Global Seminar on Geo-Environmental Engineering - GEE 2019, Montréal, Canada

N Chevé, M Guittonny, B Bussière. (2018). Water budget of field experimental cells with vegetated and non-vegetated soil layers placed on waste rock. In Mine Closure 2018, Fourie A.B. & Tibbett M. (Eds), Australian Center for Geomechanics, The University of Western Australia, 549-562.

M Guittonny-Larchevêque, A Dallaire, S Lortie. (2016). Fast-growing willow development on acidic mining wastes for rapid greening purposes. International Journal of Sustainable Development and Planning (Vol.11-5). 8th international Conference on Waste Management and the Environment, Valencia, Spain, 64-74.

Remaury A., Guittonny-Larchevêque M., Rickson J. (2016). Tree spacing effects on erosion of soil covered waste rock slopes. In Mine Closure 2016, Fourie A.B. & Tibbett M. (Eds), Australian Center for Geomechanics, The University of Western Australia, 517-530.

M. Guittonny-Larchevêque (2015). Selecting graminoids to increase substrate macroporosity for the revegetation of milled tailings of a gold mine. In Mine Closure 2015, Fourie A.B., Tibbett M., Sawatsky L. and van Zyl D.  (Eds), InfoMine Inc., Canada, 978-0-9917905-9-3.

M. Larchevêque, A. DesRochers, B. Bussière, H. Cartier, C. Baribeau, C. Pednault, J.-S. David (2012). How to grow trees on the wastes of a boreal gold mine – identification of the main physico-chemical limitations. In Mine Closure 2012, Fourie A.B. & Tibbett M. (Eds), Australian Center for Geomechanics, The University of Western Australia, 467-480.

Mise à jour : 1 juin 2023